WP1 – Management
INEA will act as Project Coordinator and will be responsible for the overall management of GIFT. WP1 ensures scientific and non-scientific dialogue across the Consortium, efficient administration in accordance with EC guidelines and requirements, as well as communication inside the consortium and timely reporting to the EC. Additionally, it directs technology-based networking.
D1.1 : Quality assurance plan report
Detailed project work plan creating the necessary structure for a successful project management and monitoring
D1.2 : Project performance report
Report on the advancdment state of the project at M36 and in particular the realisation of the initial objectives
D1.3 : Management tools
It will contain, at least, a contact list, an accurate calendar view, a space for document sharing and the option to download templates, guidelines, dissemination and communication tools, the reference documents (Consortium Agreement, Grant Agreement, etc), timesheet templates, and a set of indicators to follow the project progresses
D1.4 : IPR report
All new innovations in the project will be assessed as possible in terms of IPR to see if special protections are needed. A dedicated report of all IPR used and/or developed in the project will be delivered at the end of the project to ensure proper implementation and maintenance of the legal aspects of the partnership as described in the Consortium Agreement
D1.5 : Report on Project Networking
Summary of all the networking activities done during the project
WP2 – Pre-study and functional requirements
The purpose of this WP is to perform the preliminary work required before the development of the solution and its demonstration. It will mainly include the definition of the use-cases, the related requirements, the definition of specific relevant KPIs, the design of the architecture, the definition of the technical and business process flows, the prospective modelling and long-term energy assessment, and the data management.
All this work will contribute to define the orientation of the subsequent work package, in particular the solution development (WP, WP4 and WP5) and the solution demonstration (WP7 and WP8).
D2.1 : Use-cases, architecture definition and KPIs definition
Definition of the use-cases, the resulting requirements and the architecture of the demonstrators, using the SGAM (Smart Grid Architecture Model). For each use-case the relevant and specific Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to be monitored during the project to assess the technical and economic performances of the demonstrated solution will also be defined.
D2.2 : Requirements relative to the demonstrators
Techno-economical requirements and legislation for the implementation of the solutions in the demonstration sites
D2.3 : Technical and business process flow report
Data exchange requirements and protocols, as well as technical requirements for the provision of system services by distributed energy resources (DER), such as wind and solar power generation, storage and demand side response.
D2.4 : Technological scenarios and recommendations
Recommendations following the assessments of long-term energy/electricity pathways of the selected islands in order to implement the solutions developed in next WPs at the right scales for the best sustainability
D2.5 : Data Management Plan
Details the data management policy, in particular what data will be generated by the project, how it will be exploited or made accessible, and how it will be curated and preserved)
WP3 – Modelling, assessing and forecasting of energy system
The global objective of this WP is to develop models for identifying good and practical solutions for low emission islands, with reduced emissions and higher quality of life.
D3.1 : Enterprise Service Bus specifications
Report on the technical specifications needed to build the Enterprise Service Bus
D3.2 : Enterprise Service Bus prototype
Prototype of the Enterprise Service Bus
D3.3 : Model on observability of the grid
First digital model of the grid observability system
D3.4 : Prototype version of the observability system
Prototype version of the grid observability system
D3.5 : Full version of the observability system
Operational version of the grid observability system
D3.6 : Energy supply and demand prediction model
System dynamics and mathematic model for the energy supply (renewable and non-renewable) and demand (building, transport, production, etc.)
D3.7 : Prototype version of the energy supply and demand prediction engine
Reliable engine for the energy supply modelling and energy demand prediction
D3.8 : Life cycle cost and carbon for different scenarios
Life cycle carbon and cost for different solutions of energy supply system for different boundaries (spatial, temporal and technical)
D3.9 : GIS digital twin/platform prototype
Prototype of the Geographic Information system (GIS) and energy system modelling enables the generation of a more complete picture of the overall energy system and future ― energy landscapes
D3.10 : Full version/Validated GIS digital twin/platform
Prototype of the Geographic Information system (GIS) and energy system validated in relevant environment
D3.11 : Visualisation software specifications
Different visualisation approaches will be assessed and the most appealing with regards to the particular KPIs of the project will be selected and detailed in this report
D3.12 : Visualisation software prototype
Delivery of a KPIs’ analytics and visualisation software component
WP4 – Virtual Power System
WP4 will further develop and innovate a decentralised automatic demand response trading platform, connecting DR providers (consumers, producers, prosumers), intermediaries (Aggregators, VPPs) and DR users (BRPs, DSOs, TSOs). Together with Flex Agents, installed at DR providers, it forms Virtual Power System – VPS. VPS will utilise advanced technologies for automatic trading of energy flexibilities in real time. Each participating xEMS from WP5 will be connected through Flex Agent, which will enable flexibility assessment, structured description and trading mechanism with capabilities for efficient aggregation, scheduling and dis-aggregation. VPS will address several energy vectors, such as heating, cooling, transport, with electricity being the main optimisation criterion.
D4.1 : Prototype of Virtual Power System
Prototype of Virtual Power System for the electrical grid
D4.2 : Prototype of Multi-Energy VPS
Prototype of Virtual Power System with additional Energy vectors
D4.3 : Final version of Multi-Energy VPS
Final version of Multi-Energy VPS (including different Energy vectors)
D4.4 : Final version of Virtual Power System with EMS interface
Version of the VPS with the inclusion of the flexibility agents and EMS interface
WP5 – Synergies through multi-service multi-vector energy storage
• To design, develop and simulate models that reflect the behaviour of energy storage multi-service provision, specifically designed for insular systems, and to promote the consumption of high shares of renewable energy sources;
• To develop and apply a methodology for multi-vector energy storage development;
• To develop and apply a method for complementary analysis that allows the integration of multi-vector energy storage systems into multi-service multi-vector energy storage solutions;
• To provide inputs on how energy storage services can be used within the EMS proposed in WP4 and how these services can be activated by the Insular Balancing Entity (IBE).
D5.1 : Modelling of energy storage behaviour in insular systems
Establishment of the requirements and simulation of the application of energy storage in multiple services, according to the needs of insular energy systems with a high share of renewables.
D5.2 : Virtual storage solutions prototypes
Development of several focused Energy Management Systems (EMS) that will allow efficient utilisation of virtual energy reservoirs – extracting energy flexibility from processes themselves
D5.3 : Multi-vector energy storage development
Definition of a methodology for the use of the different storage technologies combining batteries, hydrogen and thermal storage to fully answer the needs of insular energy system
D5.4 : Integration and complementarity analysis
Complementarity analysis of the multi-vector energy storage models developed through the simulation of the joint operation of the said models in order to integrate them into multi-service multi-vector energy storage solutions that maximise the penetration of renewable energy sources in the islands
WP6 – System integration and validation
The main objective of WP6 is to supervise the integration across all solutions and innovative prototypes. Solutions, which are further developed in WP3, 4 and 5, are integrated before shipped to demonstration sites to be installed. WP6 uses defined overarching architecture from WP2, also taking into account specific requirements from demonstration cases.
D6.1 : Report on integration tests
Report on the tests executed at RDN laboratory, which is equipped with hardware and software for open- and closed-loop testing
D6.2 : Interoperability test procedures
Definition of an interoperability testing process to test and reach the interoperability in laboratory
D6.3 : Interoperability test results
Summary of the interoperability tests results and comments
D6.4 : Methodology for assessment of project results
D6.5 : Integrated System
Report to ensure efficient communication and coordination between solution providers and demo case managers, responsible for installations. The main goal of this report is to explain the transformation from generic integrated solution to specific demonstration instances at demo sites
D6.6 : Evaluation & Analysis Report
Definition of the methods and indicators that will be used for assessment of the results of implementation of GIFT systems at demonstration locations
WP7 – Demonstration 1 – Hinnøya
The main objective of this work package is to physically implement the solutions developed in the previous work packages on the island of Hinnøya.
D7.1 : Report on Requirement and Prosumer Analysis with installation project documentation - Hinnoya
Output of this analysis will be installation project documentation, which will be used in the deployment phase of the project.
D7.2 : Report on solution deployment in Hinnoya
Report on solution deployment and effectiveness of the work in the demonstration site of Hinnoya
D7.3 : Data analysis report for Hinnoya demonstration
Identification and analysis of all the appropriate data that will be collected and handled during the exploitation of the system implemented
D7.4 : Impact analysis and optimisation recommendations for similar islands to Hinnoya
Impact analysis of the system on its environment and optimisation recommendations for similar islands thanks to multi-objective iterative optimisation tool for decision making
WP8 – Demonstration 2 – Procida
The main objective of this work package is to physically implement the solutions developed in the previous work packages on the island of Procida.
D8.1 : Report on Requirement and Prosumer Analysis with installation project documentation - Procida
Output of this analysis will be installation project documentation, which will be used in the deployment phase of the project.
D8.2 : Report on solution deployment in Procida
Report on solution deployment and effectiveness of the work in the demonstration site of Procida
D8.3 : Data analysis report for Procida demonstration
Identification and analysis of all the appropriate data that will be collected and handled during the exploitation of the system implemented
D8.4 : Impact analysis and optimisation recommendations for similar islands to Procida
Impact analysis of the system on its environment and optimisation recommendations for similar islands thanks to multi-objective iterative optimisation tool for decision making
WP9 – Business cases in follower islands
This WP will provide design requirements for replication and deployment of the full-scale demonstration solutions. The main goal of the specific work package is the replication and scalability analysis of the solutions that will be demonstrated through the previous work packages. Once the proposed solution setups are consolidated for the demonstration scale selected for the lighthouse islands, the solutions will have to be analysed replicated on a larger- scale with relation to the follower ones.
D9.1 : Energy profiling of follower islands
Specification of the follower islands Energy profiles thanks to the collection of data in order to assess the replicability of the demonstration solutions
D9.2 : Scenarios specification and data preparation for the simulation analysis
Scenarios specification and data preparation for the simulation analysis of the replicability
D9.3 : Scalability and Replicability Analysis
Report on replicability and scalability analysis based on simulation results
D9.4 : Design requirements for replication and deployment of the full-scale demonstration solutions
Technical and design requirements for replication and deployment of the full-scale demonstration solutions
D9.5 : Regulatory, socio-economic and technical recommendations for sustainable solutions
Regulatory, socio-economic and technical recommendations for sustainable solutions to ensure a good replicability of GIFT solutions
WP10 – Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
Communication around the project and dissemination of the solutions are key to the success to the project and the sustainability of the solutions developed. This work package focuses on the communication and dissemination of the results, aiming for a strong exploitation after the life of the project. Tailored activities will be planned to specifically reach the right target public. This work package details the work to be done to establish in detail the strategy as well as put it into practice. Moreover, a strong relation will be established with the BRIDGE initiative, facilitated with the fact that members of the consortium are already participating in it.
D10.1 : Website
D10.2 : Dissemination and Communication strategy
Elaboration of a strategy that includes the definition of specific target groups, the appropriate medium to disseminate to these groups, the final goal of the dissemination activities, the timeline of dissemination, etc
D10.3 : Exploitation and business plan
Summary of the development of the business models for the sustainable energy solutions of the project
D10.4 : Contribution to the WG of BRIDGE for cooperation between Smart Grids projects – mid-term report
Mid-term contribution of GIFT to the BRIDGE initiative by sharing specific issues and learnings related to the energy systems in geographical islands
D10.5 : Contribution to the WG of BRIDGE for cooperation between Smart Grids projects – end-of-project report
Final contribution of GIFT to the BRIDGE initiative by sharing specific issues and learnings related to the energy systems in geographical islands
WP11 – Ethics requirements
The objective is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.
D11.1 : H - Requirement No. 1
1. The procedures and criteria that will be used to identify/recruit research participants must be submitted as a deliverable.
2. The applicant must clarify whether children and/or adults unable to give informed consent will be involved and, if so, justification for their participation must be submitted as a deliverable.
3. In case children and/ or adults unable to give informed consent are involved, details on how the consent of the legal representatives (and assent, when applicable) will be acquired must be submitted as a deliverable.
4. The applicant must clarify whether vulnerable individuals/groups will be involved, and the measures to protect them and minimise the risk of their stigmatisation must be submitted as a deliverable.
5. Details on incidental findings policy must be submitted as a deliverable.
D11.2 : POPD - Requirement No. 2
1. The host institution must confirm that it has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and the contact details of the DPO are made available to all data subjects involved in the research. For host institutions not required to appoint a DPO under the GDPR a detailed data protection policy for the project must be submitted kept on file.
2. A description of the technical and organisational measures that will be implemented to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subjects/research participants must be submitted as a deliverable.
3. Detailed information on the informed consent procedures in regard to data processing must be must be submitted as a deliverable.
4. Templates of the informed consent forms and information sheets (in language and terms intelligible to the participants) in regard to data processing must be must be must be kept on file
D11.3 : POPD - Requirement No. 3
1. In case if sensitive data will be collected, justification for the processing of sensitive personal data must be submitted as a deliverable.
2. The beneficiary must explain how all of the data they intend to process is relevant and limited to the purposes of the research project (in accordance with the ‘data minimisation‘ principle). This must be submitted as a deliverable.
3. In case the research involves profiling, the beneficiary must provide explanation how the data subjects will be informed of the existence of the profiling, its possible consequences and how their fundamental rights will be safeguarded. This must be submitted as a deliverable.